Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Kolor Scapez Konvoy -- NOV BLOG TRAIN!!!!

For the month of November, the Kolor Scapex Konvoy focusses on:

Drunk & Drugged Driving (3D) Prevention Month

Since 1981, November has been designated as National Drunk and Drugged Driving (3D) Prevention Month. Throughout the month, efforts are renewed to educate Americans about the consequences of driving drunk or under the influence of drugs. People are encouraged to drive responsibly and to avoid putting themselves and others at risk. By getting the word out about 3D Month, communities can implement effective strategies like sobriety checkpoints and information workshops, which combat drunk and drugged driving.

Here's the 'sneak peak' for my part of the blog train...which is, of course, FREE...(always a good thing! LOL)

Nov blog train
click on the preview to go directly to the download page

And here is the list of the other people involved this month.

Friday, November 6, 2009

TWO SALES!!! Yep, that's right - two different sales!

The first is at TKO Scraps -- we're celebrating Kissed By Cari's birthday!! HOORAY!!!! :)

Cari Bday

Then, over at Fantasy Posers, we're celebrating National Scrapbook Day!!

NSD Fantasy Posers

Enjoy the celebrations with us - heaps of savings at both stores!! :)

Sunday, November 1, 2009

"AIYANA" CU/PU Poser Tubes available at both stores


Commercial/Personal Use - 200 dpi

Aiyana is originally from Ethiopia, where her name means "Flower Blossom". She's quite laid-back and shy, but does love to go out shopping with her best friend, Blair!

In your zip file, you will receive 10 tubes all up - 8 full body poses, and 2 headshot portraits.

These tubes are for both personal & commercial use, are 200 dpi, and the largest side of each tube is approx. 900 pixels!

[Please read the enclosed TOU file for more information about usage.]

This product is available at TKO Scraps and NOW available at Fantasy Posers.